It's May!

The rain came last night, and now, at 7 in the evening, is coming still-- a day late for April showers, but the sounds were soothing. No thunder or lightning, just heavy rain. Of course it is now cold and damp, but at least it's not snowing, and the trees will be blossoming soon, and the lily leaves are 6 inches high. As well, we were able to get an early start on some outdoor projects, so that's a plus. A northeast view of the backyard at 6 :12 pm:

There is something about damp weather which makes me want to knit. I've nearly finished with the wrap, only six inches to go, and I've started a pair of anklets which I've made many times before in red and blue wool, so I thought I'd try this lambs wool and acrylic blend in zinna. The lace pattern is from my knitting encyclopedia, but the the rest I made up. My bamboo needles are in use on another project so I must use the aluminum ones, which I don't like as much.

Another packing tube of lovely papers for bookbinding, including antique"italian postcards"( cartolina postale italiana, it sounds much better in Italian :) ) The print of the writing is quite small so I can only make out names addresses, but the colours are lovely.

Etsy has changed the "items sold" link in all the shops to" sales," so the numbers are smaller. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'm glad I made a sale yesterday, since it's been slow there for a while. thousands more sellers have joined in the short time I've been a member.

Happy weekend everyone!


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