
Some of my favorites for valentines from hubby!

I missed much of the eclipse. I meant to watch but was preoccupied and I didn’t remember until the end. This is what I saw:
A very bright moon with the tail end of the earth’s shadow (the lighter, crescent shadow on the right) It brings a cat’s eye to mind .
It was a very cold night and is a very cold day, about 8* below zero as I type.

I received the spring issue of Cast-On Magazine on Monday. I like the lace anklets, so I may try that, even though I usually have fun working out my own lace patterns.

Whilst waiting for the arrival of the spring issue of American Archaeology, I am finishing reading the one from last spring, as I have exhausted the issues from last fall/winter and summer. The article on deaccessioning would have been useful years ago when I had to research on my own at the museum, but it worked out well in the end.

Anyhow, the project is going well. I sewed the shade for the door’s window on Sunday, used my sewing machine on the newly built worktop.
I wanted something pretty, to soften the space. I will be buying a weather insulating curtain for the door. It will hang from a swing arm rod on the door frame for easy opening of the door.

I painted the bottom cupboards and added the new draw pulls, and we built the new worktop. It is removable in case we need to use the sink, but we rarely do. We sometimes use it to clean our hands and paint brushes, and I do some potting there, but I wash delicates in a separate washbasin so we shouldn't need it much.
I’ve also put a first coat of the white wax finish on the trim around the work top. The wood grain shows through nicely, so I will also use the finish on the top.
I’ve already painted the wall over the sink, which will be my gallery/idea wall, and hubbyinstalled the deep wire shelf above. The old shelf was only 12 inches deep, and this one is 16 inches, so It gives us much more room for bulky things we don’t often use.




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