art desk and coming soon...

The studio project is finished---almost! I've not yet found the right cupboard for the upper left wall. Actually, since the size is not standard and we want to maximize the space, we are exploring our options. We still have to cut and polyurethane the base boards, but we will wait until a sunny, warm day to do that outside. Anyhow, I will post some pictures soon.

Next to the dining area is my my painting space. It is a tight fit in our small house, I had to move a couple of chairs out of the way to get a good photo, but it is adequate, and the northern daylight is good. I also do dry sculpting here, though I do have a sculpting platform hubby made for me a few years ago in the shed. I resisted using polymers for years, but they are certainly less messy, and a lot more portable than earth clay. My taboret is on the left, and I use my easel only for displaying finished projects. My angled board is much more useful for watercolours.
On my desk is a photo cube made specially for me by a friend. It is very inspirational!

Here is a peek of the new floor:

Coming Soon! I am opening a second shop on Etsy called Natural Soothers this week. I've been working at setting it up this past week. I'm still waiting for the new circle punch( 1 11/16 inches, 4.5 cm) I ordered from Dick Blick last week to do the stickers ( the one I have is too big). I thought it would arrived by now, but I expect it will be here by Wednesday.

Oh, be certain to visit AJ'sCountryCottage on Etsy. She did a nice job putting together a little gift for my friend last Christmas.

Happy Spring!

A view of the first day of spring from my front door. Not bad, It’ sunny, and much of the snow and ice are gone. How is your first day of spring? A nice one, I hope.

I'm going to colour some eggs today.

It’s here, the spring issue of American Archaeology magazine. Okay, so it’s been here for more than a week, but I’ve only just had a chance to look at it and read in detail. The article on the development of ceramics is of particle interest, since primitive methods of crafting was, and remains one of my favourite areas of study. The In the News pages covers both fun and disbursing facts, including pre Spanish beer making in the south-west, and the looting of historic sites.
Hello Amy, Hello Amby! Thanks for stopping by.

Nothing in the spring issue of Knitty peaks my interest, and, while I’m determined to finish all knitting projects before starting another, (there are two projects left-a pair of socks and the wrap.) I am
swatching for this bag in Knit Simple magazine‘s holiday 2007 issue.
I’m using two strands of worsted wt. winter white wool though the pattern requires a single strand of bulky weight. The gauge is pretty close, and since it is a bag, it is close enough. However I’m not certain I’ll do it in white since I have several skeins of bulky yellows and purples that I bought when we were in the southwest last year, and I’d like to make use of them. The pattern is not too difficult so far, though I do have to pay close attention on the wrong side rows on the chart, as that gets a bit confusing at times because of the seed stitch. I do like the cables. A vintage floral lining would be pretty I think.

Not the flu

A comment, how nice! Thanks Kerry, it’s nice to hear from a fellow Etsyan and Blogger.

Not the Flu, though it was a viral infection. I was on a course of antibiotics, as well as herbal and vitamin supplements, and soothing aroma therapy.
I’m feeling much better. The sunny and warmer weather contributes greatly my feeling of well being. It has been lovely the last few days. Thanks to friends who e-mailed, I will reply soon.

I craved fruit and almost nothing else every day, so I made a lovely compote of available fresh fruit:

So to catch up a bit, on Sunday the second, since we already had tickets, we went to see “The Night of January 16th." Hubby was part of the jury pool, picked randomly from a list of the membership and the audience. Their verdict was “Not Guilty” Though it could have gone either way. The next play will be Godspell. I said no to helping with the costuming for it, but I look forward to helping with the next youth group staging, though they haven’t chosen a play yet.
We celebrated hubby’s March 13th birthday with brownies, and he opened his presents--- yes he likes the album of motorcycle photos, though I wish I had had more time to work on it. The celebrations continued on Friday the 14th, with a trip to the city. We stopped at several motorcycle shops where hubby enjoyed looking at the ones on his wish list. Then it was on do a bit of shopping, I found a metal cart with a wood top which is just right for the area next to the washer for storing the sewing machine and recycle bin. I spent some time in Michael’s, where I finally got to use the gift card my sis sent me last Christmas. I bought mostly watercolour papers and some essential oils. We ate a buffet lunch. Since I was still on the antibiotics, The slight nausea limited my choices, but the vegetable cheese pie was really good.
Of course, we had to spend some time at Barnes & Nobles book store. We both bought books; I got three, including a great Quilting book, more on that later.
We didn’t stay in the city as long as we usually do, my energy was so low, but we had a good time none the less.

On the way home, we stopped at the sushi bar for take-away for me. I got the California rolls, and the tuna sashimi. Hubby stopped for burgers and fries.

On Saturday, We went a couple of towns west to the Home Depot to buy the new vinyl flooring for the work room. I wanted something simple, and neutral, so we chose this one:

It will be installed by us next weekend.
We have decided that we need to do a custom cupboard next to the shelving, because the standard is too tall and would prevent the electrical box from opening properly.

My latest listing in the shop

I'm still considering opening a second shop for my natural and earth friendly products, but I don't know if I should just yet. I'll have to think about it for a bit longer.

the flu ?

Well, I'm not sure if I'm getting the flu. or if my aches and swollen glands are something else. I am still fatigued, so a little break is in order. I hope all who are suffering from the flu or other illness will have a speedy recovery.